Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Even Sandy gets into the spirit of things

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Friday, October 30, 2009

could you love them more??

Mallory works at a bank. today they all dressed up for Halloween. They were characters from Beetlejuice. I think they did an AMAZING job!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

i want to sleep in this bed tonight. this is my old room from Cannon Beach. the BEST bed i ever slept in.

i really wanted smores that night.

dont kill me N. and NO, i wont take them down...

Ns 21st birthday party campout. (my first time getting drunk with her)these are my FAVORITE pictures from that night. I remember her CRACKING up.
in her defense. i wouldnt stop making her laugh and all she wanted to do was go pee.

When Your the Best of Friends...

who could ask for better friends?

kitten was SO small!!

Marry Poppins needs some work...

I need a job. I had a great job as a nanny and truly loved every minute of it. I didn't even realize how much i loved my job until it was gone. I babysat for Brian and Autumn one day after I had finished my job, and being in their house with the boys felt so RIGHT. It was the life I had grown to love and gotten used to. Now i want to try again.

I need a job and sadly am going to have to find some job as a barista or a cashier at a store. but i really want to just be a nanny again. But a well paid nanny. I have been doing child care since 2007 now as a full time job and i think its time I am paid properly for my skill.

So i need all my friends to spread the word that Becky Hanna is looking for a nanny job. please oh please.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Glee playlist

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so i wanted to buy all the tracks from itunes. but i am still poor. so i found as many as i could on

I am a bit obsessed with Hate on Me

I could've danced all night

So I couldn't find this clip ANYWHERE on the internet but so far it is my favorite song performed on Glee. This made me fall in love with Will Schuester myself.

Keep Holding On

this song just made me sob buckets...

and this is the part that really got me.

i am SUCH a sap

Movies in Minutes

so you may or may not have seen this little wonder. I think it is so very funny.

well today i stumbled upon THIS beauty!!

i was laughing pretty hard...AGAIN!

oh they make me laugh.
Once upon a time there was a girl who decided to go out and search for a job. She had unemployed for awhile and decided it was time to do something. So she got up showered and dressed and decided to drive down to cline spit for a quiet time before searching. It was beautiful at the beach and there were wind surfers skating across the water with ease. She had a great quiet time praying for her friends and family and for direction in her life. She then got ready to leave and find a job with renewed confidence and poof! Her STUPID subaru wouldn't start. Suprise suprise. Needless to say She's still down there taking in the scenery waiting to see if her car will start
The end.

Monday, October 26, 2009

i love that this took place

so imagine when i see this picture on facebook and see my brother tagged in this photo. i looked everywhere and then realize its him on the right. i would never have thought he would dress up. but dress up he did.

Jake must have done one of his paintings there for something. i was excited to see it though. i love all of his artwork.

These two still are such best friends. I am so glad they get to tell their children about how they lived in Norway together. and then tell them all the crazy stories from that time.

I love that the boys participated in this. It makes me smile to look at the pictures.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

brought tears to my eyes.

Leave Me from Daros Films on Vimeo.


I had the worst dream about you N last night. I woke up pissed at you and not wanting to EVER come visit you in Alaska. It was one of those dreams you wake up with tears running down your cheeks and a sob in your throat. It took me a few minutes to accept it was just a dream...

but now i am good. its almost kind of funny now, and i DO want to visit you in Alaska. and i do love you. and my heart only hurts a bit from that crazy dream that felt too real.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

tonight it hurts...

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I love Halloween...

scrolling through my old pictures on this computer I couldnt help but smile when I found some old pictures of past Halloweens. This time of year always makes me smile. especially when I spend it with friends. I can't get over how small Amelia and Iggy were...