Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Break

wow. where to begin??

I havent posted in QUITE awhile! I have been a busy busy girl. Thanksgiving was a GREAT time! We had my whole family there as well as Ben and his dad. So much fun. We didnt have Turkey, instead we had Chicken Cordon Bleu and Prime Rib. Yum YUM! I made Roasted fingerling potatoes that were to DIE for! and we played spoons and hearts after dinner making it a perfect holiday!

N came to visit from Alaska so that was really special. I picked her up Wednesday night from the airport and brought her to sequim. she spent the night thursday and friday we got up early and returned to seattle for some black friday shopping! CRAZY busy but so much fun. we also went and saw New Moon, which lets be honest...i LOVED!!!

afterwards we went to Bellvue and visited Kassie at her work! She gave us delicious cupcakes and asked us to go to dinner with we did. so much fun for me. at one point i just sat back in my chair and watched kass and n talking to each other and i couldnt help but smile. and realize just how thankful i was for getting to spend an evening with those two. I have missed them in my life so much. It was the best night ever for me.

I have been working up a storm at work lately. I worked all day yesterday and wanted to die by the end of my shift. my feet hurt so bad and i was so tired. but instead i took a shower and it was BACK TO SEATTLE...(yes you count 'em...THREE times to seattle in ONE week!) but it was still a fun time. Jake went with me which helped and after dropping N off at the airport jake and I went to Duke's for drinks and appetizers before heading home. I had calamari...and liked it! CRAZY!

So today i spent the day sleeping in till 10 AM which was SO needed and then Tilly and I went into PA and went to the library where we LOADED up on christmas cd's. cd's we loved, movies, and a few books. i think i checked out like 20 items today...but it was so much fun!!

i have had an AMAZING holiday break. I was so blessed to have friends and family surround us. Jessica made me so happy coming home for the holidays. It wouldnt have felt like a holiday without her there. i was so tired by the end of it, but i wouldnt change a thing.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Jess, can you get that jello in the needs to bake for a little bit first." -tom

this is going to be an interesting thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i think i need a resume more like this...

Monday, November 23, 2009

i always thought my mom sang just like her...this is one of my most favorite christmas songs for that very reason...

dear santa...

for christmas this year can you please bring me the following?...

a husband...

a baby...

a puppy...

my dream house...

...thats all

Sunday, November 22, 2009

ohhh i want to go back to my childhood...

"this thing came apart" my favorite line...


for weeks now i have been watching this show and trying to figure out how i know this kid....until today...

i watched the office and there he was...the delivery kid from the launch party episode....all i right in the world....i hate seeing a face and not being able to place it....

my muse

i watched kingdom of heaven last night before i had to leave for work. i hadnt seen it since college. i forgot how much i liked it. but anyways..i was captivated by Sybilla. her pouty brooding face captivated me. and i am in love with her dark makeup. so i decided to do my makeup like hers today for church...odd choice of location to wear makeup like that...but its me we are talking about. i think by now everyone expects such antics.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


thanks to one of my favorite blogs...i have fallen in love with this girl's music.

these two made me really happy...

Friday, November 20, 2009

can i just tell you how much i love french music? everytime i hear a song in french i get so excited. i dont care that i dont know what they are saying..its just so wonderful.

if you know any good french songs or artists....send them my way....

i welcome the imput...

goodnight loves!

i just finished watching this movie and loved loved loved it. I love creepy stalker physco thriller movies.

i have to go to work at 5:30...i dont know my thoughts on this whole late night job well all know, i am a morning person...this is just weird...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

this blows my mind...
have you ever been swimming in the ocean or even a lake and had a little freak out because you imagine all sorts of things below you that you cant see...

santa please!

oh my gosh. i want this so badly!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

enjoy yourself

loved this scene on house. soooooo amazing...
if ever i go crazy....i hope some amazing blonde sings this to me...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

just revisiting a happy time

barbara allen

thanks to my dear mallory...i have been listening to this clip on repeat.

it could be the prettiest song ever.

thanks mal


i am watching the office with dad. typing this on jakes new macbook and wishing beyond anything i had a mac.

in other news. jake took me to silverdale all day today to get me work clothes. he was so sweet and helpful. im glad i got to spend a day with him its just that trying on all these work clothes...i felt so ugly. i found a few things. but its just so not me, i feel so ugly. lets just say plus sized people tend to find styles that they like. find flattering, and feel good in. because more often than not, we cant wear the same clothes as everyone else and look good. this is why i dont like jobs with a dress code. i broke out when i left the hcc and i havent gone back yet...until tomorrow.

i start training tomorrow and im so nervous.....UGH!

im sorry kassie. i wish i could have spent the day with you. it would have been such a great day. i am sure of it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

this frightened me.

this is such a big fear of mine. that i will somehow have children like this. GOD DONT LET THAT HAPPEN!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Jake's new painting

isnt it amazing N??

I helped him with the background. it was SO much fun. we were just throwing rock salt at the freshly painted background and i kept chanting "the power of Christ compels you."

ahh memories.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

for mallory

okay...Kurt can hit the high F.

I can't hit the high F if my life depended on it.

this makes me a little pissed.

YouTube Mash Ups

in the spirit of Glee, i have been searching YouTube for cool mash ups.

1. Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani

2. Kanye West and Beethoven

3. The Ting Tings and various 70s and 80s songs

4. Sweet Dreams are Made of Seven Nation Army

5. Bert and Ernie go Gangsta

ha ha. this was making me laughing so hard. even if it isn't truly a mash up. its still funny!

My favorites are Gold Digger and the Ting Tings Thats Not My Name

Colonel Sam Flagg - CIA

So i love to watch M*A*S*H. It is one of my favorite shows of all time. I watched an episode tonight with Colonel Sam Flagg in it and I laughed so damn hard. He is my idea of a GI Joe.

* "I've trained myself not to laugh or smile. I watched a hundred hours of the Three Stooges; every time I felt like smiling or laughing, I jabbed myself in the stomach with a cattle prod."

* "My father touched me like that once. To this day, he still has to wear orthopedic shirts."{Frank Burns tried to buddy up to Flagg by slapping him on the shoulder}

* "You think you're real smart. But you're not smart; you're dumb. Very dumb. But you've met your match in me."

* "Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don't know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion."

* (After Hawkeye treated a wounded North Korean soldier prior to operating on an American one:) "You took a yellow Red before a White American, and that's pretty pinko!"

* (To Radar:) "Shut up, you, or I'll use you to clean a cannon!"

* (After Hawkeye suggests using nuclear weapons in a search for the missing Major Houlihan) "Don't try to make friends with me."

* (After Frank says, 'You’re crazy, buddy!') "You call me that again, friend, I’ll reach into your throat and pull your heart out.

* (Colonel Potter finds Flagg in his office drinking his scotch and says sarcastically "I'm glad to see you made yourself at home.") "I have no home. I am the wind."

* Col. Sherman T. Potter: Why are you dressed like an Italian usher?
Colonel Flagg: Can you keep a secret?
Col. Sherman T. Potter: I'd like to think so.
Colonel Flagg: I'm disguised as Ling Chow. A Chinese double agent.
Col. Sherman T. Potter: Funny, you don't look Chinese.
Colonel Flagg: Neither would Ling Chow if he was dressed like this. You follow?

i could only find one clip of him and it isnt funny. you can just see the way he talks. its always like this.

i know this may be the DUMBEST post ever...i just can't get over the fact of how in love with him i am.

i need children...

today is my day off. so i thought i would spend it doing important things like,

research baby names and compile a list...

for boys:
1. elias - hebrew meaning "my god is the lord"
2. jasper - persian (hahaha) meaning "treasure"
3. edwin - english meaning "rich friend"
4. jude - hebrew meaning "praise; thanks"
5. henry - german meaning "home ruler"
6. elliot - hebrew meaning "the lord is my god"
7. wesley -
8. charlie -
9. emerson -
10. seth -

for girls:
1. ella - greek meaning "torch; bright light"
2. luna - latin meaning "moon"
3. evie - hebrew meaning "life"
4. ginger - latin meaning "spring-like; flourishing"
5. sibylla -
6. eve -
7. wendy -

8. marjorie and beatrix. twins. (okay i will not name my girls seems too mean...but i love the idea of such classic names)

i am getting caught up in looking at baby names...i have many more i want to list. but i need to go to the store with mother. when i come back...the names continue...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

can't hardly wait!!

million dollar listing

i am sick today. i have been lying around like a blob all day and can't seem to muster the energy to do anything.

so instead i lay in bed and watch episode after episode of million dollar listing and falling in love with Josh (the one in the middle) hes so damn funny. i find myself laughing aloud at him and then coughing up a storm. but he's worth it.

Monday, November 9, 2009

my heart has fallen in love with these nesting dolls from savage artworks.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

verklepmt. that is what this song is.

dinner and a movie

i fell asleep this afternoon reading my book. it was that kind of sleep where you don't realize your asleep until you wake up. i woke up to Tom shaking me as hard as he could going, BECKY YOUR ASLEEP!!! WAKE UP!!! over and over and over...and then switched to, I'M MAKING THOSE EGG ROLLS AND NEED SOMEONE TO ROLL EM!

so i got up and helped him make egg rolls. it was a lot of fun. he was in an AMAZING mood. we had GREAT dinner and then all sat down and watched Patch Adams.

i forgot what a great movie that is. I loved it. we sat and mocked the saddest parts. which really made it all the better. Tom tried to do a fake cry and one point and had us in stitches with what turned out to better be his owl impersonation. this just makes me realize that i love my family!!
how adorable is this boy for making a music video?

i love you Jaren.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I have been rolling this word around my tongue for days now. I don't know why I love it so much. It just sounds like its description.

Verklempt (adj.)overcome with emotion / gobsmacked / on the verge of tears.

Its just such a sweet sounding, twitterpated, definitive word.

and if you ever experience it. It is a beautiful thing

Friday, November 6, 2009


they found cancer in Busters lymph nodes.
i dont know what this means for him.

i want to cry. we were given this window of hope. a few days of peace. joy at his surgery going WAY better than they expected...and then this.

my heart is heavy.

Dad took Jess and I out on a father-daughter date tonight. we went and saw the Men Who Stare At Goats....i loved it. I think he hated it. it really helped though. take our mind off of things. i doubt he will ever know how much tonight meant to me.
I dont think he realizes how much i adore him. somedays i just sit and stare at him in wonder. i feel like a small child again, in wonder of her daddy who can do anything. I look at him and that feeling is there everytime. I love him so very much. He lights up my life. I want to go and do great things in my life so he will be proud of me.

I think i am realizing more and more each day how precious life is, and how much I cherish my daddy. I hate what had to happen to make me realize this....

i love you daddy
Oh how excited i am about this website.

and this one they do a lot of work for gossip girl.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'd rather be there...

I am watching Ace of Cakes and falling in love with Geof....AGAIN. i swear, i fall in love with him more and more each episode

i am also really really REALLY wanting to travel to New Zealand for a few weeks. I want to go here....

and also meet men like them...

whos with me?

you son of a biscuit eating bulldog...

this makes me want to get in a righteous rage and tell someone off like this...just to see their reaction.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

isn't it amazing how in one day. in one minute. In an instant, God can reveal things to you you have been searching for...

EVERYTHING i have questioned about my life lately. All the questions I've had. The decisions I have tried to make...these past few months I have felt lost. no direction. so unsure. God has given me something I have needed...

Clarity. That is what I have. I know what I truly want in my life. I know what I am supposed to be doing. I know what I want to do. I am so excited. I am SO peaceful. I am SO sure. I can't wait to iron out the details. I sure don't have all the answers yet. But I sure have direction...


God is Alive...

I was sitting in the living room just now. Having gone through some emotional and spiritually challenging situations the past three days. Jake was playing his guitar like he always does. a song here. a half song there. we were having a fun time laughing playing songs. He then switches over and plays this song I have never heard. Its called How He Loves Us i guess. The lyrics were beautiful. But I immediately felt God's presence in the room. I was in a state of worship. God is alive.

afterward I asked Jake about that song. did he write it? is it from Norway? He told me it is from a guy names John Mark McMillan. I told him through tears what that song had done for me just then. He got SO excited and ran into his room and grabbed his computer and looked this video up and told me to listen to it.

God is SO amazing! I couldn't believe the story behind this song. It just reminds me how God is good. and how it may not seem it some days. but God is alive. God is here. God is moving in our lives everyday.

I am filled with such peace. I am filled with joy.

Where did my babies go?....

Christmas '08

October '09

Christmas '08

september '09

Surviving Seattle with $20

So spending 11 hours in Seattle yesterday seemed like a good idea before we left, but by hour 4 we were regretting our decision.
We did make it to South Center where at Old Navy i found these sweaters I am really wanting. the purple, white, yellow, red, and light blue. (yeah i know. too many of the same item..but my heart loves them)

I also went to Anthropologie in Bellevue while visiting my dear Kassie and I had a little over excitement about the Christmas decorations. But i stumbled upon these goodies that I feel Amelia MUST own EACH item. (maybe even the boys clothes...because their so damn cute!)

I found my comforter there as well and tried to creatively think of a way to come up with $200+ immediately (yeah, i never came up with any ideas)

yeah, i went to Seattle with $20 and ended up using it to buy dinner for us all. how depressing a shopping experience it was.
he's home.

im happier than i have been in the past two plus months.

i'll be the first to admit life isnt the same without the golden pony

Monday, November 2, 2009

Let it begin

Now i know its ONLY November 2. But I can't help the fact the Christmas music is all i am listening to and I have already begun my plans for decorating the house. I can't help it. It is my favorite time of year and I am so excited I am rushing it a bit. The day i walk into a store and Christmas music is playing..I will be grinning SO BIG!
So thank the Lord. Buster's surgery went without a hitch. They were able to remove the mass tumor in his colon and we able to do so from the front incision. I am so thankful. Thank you God for watching out for him. He is in recovery now. Mom is still there. I guess he is in a LOT of pain though. The medicines they gave him really aren't helping much, so he needs lots of prayer. I am so relieved it went better than the surgeons predicted.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

dear buster,

what if i never get to say "i love you" again? i know you know it, but what if i dont get to say it again?? the last time i saw you i gave you a quick hug and made some vague comment about coming to have lunch with you two soon. that was three and a half months ago. since then your world has been turned upside down.

cancer. no matter when you hear it. how you hear it, it always sounds like a death sentence. its that taboo word we all dismiss as "it could never happen to me." it has seemed so surreal to me. I mean i have been so distant to the whole situation. and i am sorry to admitt this has made me really angry.

i think i understand it now. or at least i understand that you did it to protect us. mom suggested i take my card to you before you headed to the hospital. just to drop it off at the house and yet i was too scared to do it. i have known you my whole life. you are my grandpa. my buster brown. my sunnybud. you always make me laugh with your donald duck voice and when you wiggle your ears.

i find myself using your old jokes with the kids. i'll squeeze their knees and watch them giggle as i "adjust" their knees. "too tight this one." "too loose." I love the smell of beer caps. I am instantly transported to the backseat of your van listening to wee sing and shaking our homemade instruments from beer caps and sand paper. or if i fell and scraped my knee, your van had more bandaids in it. sometimes i will see a pink shirt and will say to myself. "its not pink, its salmon" pretending to fly a plane everytime we got in the van. fighting over who got to ride shotgun and be the co-captain and use the CB radio.

I have loved you my whole life and I was terrified to call you. to ask you if i could drop off my card. I was even more afraid to see you. I have this vision in my head of the buster i know. and to see you all frail with your broken nose and bruised face. i was terrified i would break down. I want you to know I can be strong. I am strong. I am your Calidonia. fearless. brave.

Do you know what a great grandpa you are? Do you know how lucky i am to have had you as my grandpa. You have taught me so much in life.

Tomorrow is your surgery. I know you will be fine. I know i am just freaking out the night before because thats what i do. I know that this surgery scares you. it scares grandma. and mom, i know how hard this all is for her. We are all praying for you Buster. You are going to be okay. This is going to get better. I know you have been in agony for three solid months. I hope you have peace soon enough.

I love you Buster. I know you know it.
