Monday, January 11, 2010

SIMPLY AMAZING! so jealous i couldnt be there for this! Glen Hansard AND damien rice!? i mean C'MON!

this is perfection...minus the fact bono is with them...(because as much as this may anger others..i really dont like u2 or bono very much.

poor jake was pissed when i showed him this...he was in ireland alone on christmas eve last year. broke, hungry, and knew no one...had he been there this year he would have been able to play the streets when them...poor poor jake.

1 comment:

  1. bono should be shot.

    and jake is a liar. he said he had lunch with damien cause theyre buddies on a first name basis and was going to kiss colin farrell for me. i have a feeling hes never met either of them ever in his life. shit i feel stupid.

    im going to non stop listen to both glen and damien now.
