Friday, February 27, 2009


Yesterday I was asleep in my bed, dreaming about taking a subway from Sequim to Georgia, which let me tell you was very confusing when SUDDENLY I was waken from my slumber by my mother. I immediately looked at the clock and saw it was only 3:30AM and began to panick! Something had to be wrong! but there she was sitting at the edge of my bed with a HUGE grin on her face..."ITS SNOWING!!" 

now it had been snowing when I gone to bed so I wasnt that impressed. It had gotten so cold the rain had begun to mix with snowflakes. I wasnt excited about this on my drive home from work the night before. 

But here it was at 3:30 in the morning and she flings open the door to my room and there on the ground is the MOST snow I had seen in Sequim in YEARS! we probably had around 6 inches of snow!! now many of you wouldn't be that impressed if you werent from around here, but to us...THIS IS ALOT! 

needless to say I had trouble falling back to sleep and ended up just getting up around 5 to watch it snow with my mom. We ended up getting around 8 inches of snow when everything was said and done. I took a snow day because I didn't know how bad the roads would be, and I am ashamed to admit I was scared to drive around Morse Creek in the snow. So I spent the day baking a cake, making African Peanut Butter Soup, and taking the worlds longest nap. It was all and all an amazing day and now I am back to work and planning on playing in the snow with the kids today.

What a fun suprise to wake up to. I didn't even think it would still snow this time of year...well dont I feel dumb.  

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